Success Stories
Read what our patients have to say!

Dr. Lee he help me with the dizziness, nausea, pain on the right side of my neck and my energy level is much better
I had 2 times of severe vertigo attacks and I was feeling very dizzy and nauseated, I had a neck pain and couldn't sleep. I started acupuncture treatment 2 times in a week for 4 weeks, After that, once a week I am feeling much better. I had vertigo for 3 months, the dizziness was constant and I could not do anything but stay still. I find Dr. Lee from internet. Yes, it works. Dr. Lee he help me with the dizziness, nausea, pain on the right side of my neck and my energy level is much better. ~S. M.

I having lactation issues and glands get clotted
I having lactation issues and glands get clotted, also has lower back pain. I used massage, cabbage leaf and warm compression to help lactation issues, but lactation issues are on going the milk supply diminishes and whole body aches, breast hurts and sore. I got referral from friend, and Yes!! Tremendously! it help, ESP. for back and neck pain! ~ A. Z.

I have a lot more control of my facial muscles in only 3 weeks, I am 80% healed and feel more confident
I had Bell's palsy, right side of my face and had no movement. I been diagnosis Bell's palsy at 5/23/2019. I been referrer from brother, and Yes, I have a lot more control of my facial muscles in only 3 weeks, I am 80% healed and feel more confident. I had a lot of soreness in my face and I no longer feel pain. Thanks ~K. D.

I recommend this form of pain treatment to others!
Spasms began after surgery on October 10, 2013. for rotater cuff tear and arthritic growth impinchment. Could not lie down due to trigger poin sposms & pain. Thanks to Daniel ! Between acupuncture and trigger point treatment, I have relief of pain and spasms, I am now able to sleep lying down in my bed !!!I recommend this form of pain treatment to others ! ~ M. L. E.

Yes, now I don't have to drink lots of coffee and fell much better
I had right shoulder pain about a year and no energy for as long as I can remember, on first visit my shoulder pain was gone, my energy level started to come back after 2 weeks. Yes, now I don't have to drink lots of coffee and fell much better. ~O. G.

I now feel better have more energy, my diabetes blood sugar level improved so far.
I have diabetes for many years and lack of energy the same poor sleep for years, I’m so glad after a few visiting with Daniel, I now feel better have more energy, my diabetes blood sugar level improved so far. ~K.H.

I had trouble eating anything at home and when dining out
For a year and a half, I had trouble eating anything at home and when dining out. I had digestive tract issues, bloating, and pressure and discomfort in my abdominal areas. I decided to just try Aqure Acupuncture and walked in. Since then, acupuncture has helped me eat my regular healthey diet. ~ L.R.

...My bladder condition was prohibiting me from getting a good night's rest.
Frequent bathroom trips at night. My bladder would wait me from my sleep. Bladder felt as though I needed to empty but very often little liquid would come out. My bladder would awaken me 5 or 6 times per night. My bladder condition was prohibiting me from getting a good night't rest.
After about 5 - treatements by Dr. Daniel, my sleep interruptions cause by my bladder began to decrease. Now that I have had over 10 acupuncture sessions, I only get up twice per night. This is a huge difference between getting a good night's sleep and not. I will continue with my acupuncture sessions for maintenance and to see if I can decrease my sleep interruptions even further. Thank you Dr. Daniel ! ~ E.

In the mornings I suffered from a congested airway .....
I’d been having some issue on and off for over two years. In the mornings I suffered from a congested airway which made it hard to breathe after four sessions lessened making my mornings much better. my breathing has improved as the congestion greatly ~S.V.

my back hurts and I have a hard time bending over. I have been suffered this condition for about 10 years till now
I had an accident at work and my friend introduce me to do physical therapy, but later I give acupuncture a try. Before doing acupuncture, my back hurts and I have a hard time bending over. I have been suffered this condition for about 10 years till now and it is so hard to do my job right in work, It is also affect on my fun time with my family. My shoulder and neck get tired easily and the pain rush out every time when I pick up something heaviness. My foot has been weakness and after acupuncture I can walk without any pain.
Thanks to Daniel ! Acupuncture has help me to walk without any trouble, also it is benefit on my job, too. This affect on my life to help me could enjoy my life without worries about the pain and I'm so glad to have acupuncture to solve the problem whenever I'm in pain.
~ V.D.

I would recommend this procedure to anyone who has persistent pain and stiffness.
My name is Theodora and I have been complaining about my knee pain. The pain I experienced decreased my range of motion and made me feel stiff. I also suffered from low back pain. I found acupuncture through advertising and received acupuncture for at least 2 months. I did not know what the outcome would be but to my surprise this treatment has worked. Most significantly I have less pain. The pain has gone from a “10” on days to mostly no pain or a “1 or 2”. My range has been better in my knee and my back is a lot better also. I’m happy I gave this procedure a chance. I would recommend this procedure to anyone who has persistent pain and stiffness. I am able to function better and perform duties at home. I am a happier person. ~ T.R.

I had perfect attendance this year in school !
I had allergy induced Chronic Bronchitis for three years. During those years, I missed 90 days of school. It was causing wave after wave of coughing, bronchitis, and pnuemonia. My mom heard from a friend who works with Dr. Daniel. After Acupuncture, my problem has been eliminated and I had perfect attendance this year in school. ~ C.P.

I am not as hungry and that I don't think about food as much!
It started about 5 years ago, little by little getting worse, I have grained 40 lbs and it has made me depressed, lose self confidence,I tried several weight loss plans that have been difficult to stick with and I felt like there was no hope to fix it.
A friend of mine refferred me to try Daniel's acupuncture. In just o few days I have noticed that I am not as hungry and that I don't think about food as much! I also have a lot more energy and overall feel much better, Thank you Daniel! ~ K.J.

My exhaustion began 10 years ago around the time, I was diagnaged with a thyroid condition.
Oaky! I know Daniel from Gigi Till's referred, Daniel had treated my son's allergies well.
My exhaustion began 10 years ago around the time, I was diagnaged with a thyroid condition. I had a car accident 18 years ago and suffered severe whiplash. Mobitlity of my neck has been limilted ever since. Before seeing Daniel, I was seeing a chiropractor to relive neck pain but results would only last a few days. I relied heavily on caffiene to stay awake though the day.
After a few treatment from Daniel's acupuncture , I no longer need caffiene to get through the day. Where my neck is still stiff and sore at the end of the day, it is not as painful and my range of motion is returning. Thank you Daniel ! ~ D.P.

Because I‘ve been suffering for three months and it has upset my daily mood and while I cook
I had problem with my shoulder where I couldn’t reach to the back, I had tried stretching and exercise, but nothing is working to relieve the pain in my shoulder. So glad that my friend told me to come visit Daniel! Because I‘ve been suffering for three months and it has upset my daily mood and while I cook. After a few visits I can reach to the back without any problem now, thank you ~ J. F

Incontinence 10 years
Incontinence 10 years, I urinated when I coughed, sneezed, laughed, doing activities of my daily living and problem got so bad, I leaked through 2 heavy pads a day. I doing kegel exercises and took Every bladder control medicine every day. In 4 sessions that acupuncture treatment with Physical Therapy together, I am 90% incontinence free, I wear only a panty liner during day, I can almost completely control all leakage, no longer feel embarrassed and uncomfortable. Thanks very much. ~ I. C.

years of medicine couldn't do what 3 treatments of acupuncture has done.
When I first started acupuncture, I had horrible lower back pain, upset stomach, high stress levels and low energy, I've seen multiple doctors and frequent physical therapy. The lower back pains for about 6 months, stomach issues for 15 years and high stress levels more for 10 years, I was anxious all the time and avoided everyday activities. I find Mr. Lee from Website, after treatment that I fee 10 times better, I have a new outlook on life, and I am way more active, no more pain plus way less stress, anxiety, years of medicine couldn't do what 3 treatments of acupuncture has done. Thank you. ~T. K.

my numbness to the left side of the body has dissapated and my back pains are some-what non-existent.
I had numbness to the left side of the body, severe back pains and insomnia suffering for 2 years, and affected me keeping a permanent job, social life due to severe anxiety, heart palpitation and depression. I taken the medication and search proffesional help such as neurology, spine doctor and general doctors could not help. I find Mr. Lee from website, it has helped and I no longer have heart palpitations, my numbness to the left side of the body has dissapated and my back pains are some-what non-existent. thanks Mr. Lee ~E. G.

I was a smoker for 25 years about a pack in a day,
I was a smoker for 25 years about a pack in a day, also no energy and no tast of food. I wanted to quit smoking so bad after 4 months of trying everything with no results. I find Daniel from internet and yes it work, I went to acupuncture and well I have been 3 months without a cigarette from the moment I walked out the office, I have been a non smoker now, I am AMAZED!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and I have no stress eating or anxiety. I feel younger and have more energy. ~P. S.

suffering for 17 years, kept me form doing all kinds of things
I have back aching, lower back pain and walking unbalance suffering for 17 years, kept me form doing all kinds of things, such as long walk, riding a bike, climbing, bending down those easily things and much more. I search help from Physical Therapy, Chiropractor, Neurologist, Pain Specialist but not much improved. My sister introduce Dr. Lee to me. After couple's treatment and extremely, I walk better, feel good, less pain and sleep are much better, too. Thanks ~Y. R.

it helped reduce craving and withdraw symdrone and been 7 day's non smoker
I am smoking for most of my life and try so many ways to stop smoking. this time I find Mr. Lee from internet and started using Wellbutrin a month prior to the acupuncture was able to reduce a mount of smoking. After first session of acupuncture, it helped reduce craving and withdraw symdrone and been 7 day's non smoker. Thanks ~ C.H.

it's been 25 years of migraines, but we are guardedly optimistic and plan to continue.
My mother has suffered migraine headaches for approx 25 years. at the time she began acupuncture therapy with Dr. Lee ( Aug 2015 ), she had < 5 ( and sometimes no ) headache- fress days per month, highly debilitating, many housebound days. she did allergy shots ( b/c original diagnosis was sinus headaches ), various triptans ( these help & she still uses ), occipital nerve injections ( steroid/ local anesth ), biofeedback, botox injections ( no help ). we are referral from nevrologist and ( P. Blake, Headache Cntr of NW, Memorial Hermann ) Blue Cross/ Blue Shield Federal. Now, beginning 5th month of biweekly acupuncture treatment. In the 3rd & 4th months acupuncture treatment and she had 16 & 11 headache-free days ( perhaps tripls her pre-treatment average ). Dr.Lee has also helped with an old knee injury, too. It's been 25 years of migraines, but we are guardedly optimistic and plan to continue. ~ B. M. ( daughter of patient )

I feel 110% better !!!!!
I been suffer with pain at my neck and lower back for more than 4 years. The first visit was a miracle, I could get out of bed without pain and my lower back felt great. I find Dr. Lee from internet when I did google search. Now, I feel 110% better !!!!! it has been a life saver and I don't take so much Tylenol. Thanks ~ S. H.

It has hleped lessen my pain and make day to day tasks alot easier
I have lower back pain more than 7 years, I live in constant lower back pain, some times it eases up but never goes away 100%, the pain keep me away from doing what I wanted to do. I've had epidural steroid injection 7 times and Physical Therapy, it help not much. I can't have back surgery cause my body conditions. Now only can do is pain managment therapy. I find Dr. Lee from internet, acupuncture has helped the numbness that in leg and has gone away now. My lower back pain isn't constant 10/10 pain level. It has hleped lessen my pain and make day to day tasks alot easier, pain level is always from 2-4/10, now.
Thanks very much ~J. M.

I walked out of the first acupuncture treatment and never smoked again
As a long time smoker I knew that quitting would be a chanllenge. with medication I cut back on my smoking but was unable to give it up completely. I set a goal and then looked for a means to help me with that final step of quitting. I had never done any type of acupuncture and decided to give it a try. I walked out of the first acupuncture treatment and never smoked again. No cigarettes, no vaping and no nicotine patches. Yes, there were some occasional cravings but they passed very quickly. I know have been smoke free more than three months. I could not have done it without Mr. Daniel Lee's help. I believe acupuncture was vital to my auccess. A big " thank You" to Mr. Lee ~C. S. N.

Yes- in 2 weeks my pain has deminished so much, I can play softball again and actually just smile.
I had left side neck and shoulder constant pain with numbness travel down to fingers in 2 months, it cause me so tired, I try those therapy to help release pain and numbness such as massages, pain medicine, heat or cold wraps but help just litttle. one of my friend referal Dr. Lee to me and Yes- in 2 weeks my pain has deminished so much, I can play softball again and actually just smile. Thanks Dr. Lee ~ C. C.

Yes ! both at home and at school, we have seen a significant change on his energy level. he has settled down more to do his work and follow directions
My son have problem with hyperactivity and anxiety, autism. he was diagnose at age 3 and we have been looking for other therapy beside prescriptions to help. I find Mr. Lee from online search. my son taking herbal supplements to help keep his energy leveled and Yes ! both at home and at school, we have seen a significant change on his energy level. he has settled down more to do his work and follow directions. he sleeps better at night and better on rested less anxious, too. Thanks ~D. V.

I believe acupuncture increased circulation to allow inflamation to decrease
I had upper back and finger foint pain, I think I have had both for 3 to 6 months. I feel it made keyboard work uncomfortable. Dr. Daniel referral from my wife's collegue and the acupuncture for the back pain and lacncing finger tips both eased the pain and infamation, I believe acupuncture increased circulation to allow inflamation to decrease. ~ J. T.

I came back 2 years later for labor inducement with my 2nd baby
I am pregnant and past due date, like to do labor inducement. Recommendation from friend that Acupuncture labor inducement is work. I came when due with my first baby 2 years ago and went into labor 24 hours later. Had relatively easy, quick natural delivery. I came back 2 years later for labor inducement with my 2nd baby. ~ N. E.

Yes, within a month, I was walking without a cane and now able to work and enjoy life again
I came in with pain and stiffness in my right leg with difficulty to move and no strenghten. I began to have symptoms for several months, and it had escalated until I had to walk with a cane to be able to get around. My mother had came previously for treatments and referred me to try acupuncture here. Yes, within a month, I was walking without a cane and now able to work and enjoy life again. Thanks Dr. Lee

I have had tremendous improvenment in my sleep and my rash is finally beginning to subside
I have had a full body rash with intense itching and scratching. It caused me to lose sleep and stay awake scratching until I would bleed. It been over a year and Dermatologist was stumped as steroid creams and pills did not offer much relief, very tired and weak from loss of sleep. I did the internet search and find Mr. Daniel. After acupuncture, I have had tremendous improvenment in my sleep and my rash is finally beginning to subside. I am much happier now that I am feeling better. Thanks Daniel. ~L. B.

my skin looks brighter and less wrinkle, I am so happy about this.
My major complaints are my dark skin tone and the wrinkle around my eyes. I have this concern for several years and it did affect to my job a little bit. I heard AQure Acupuncture from my friend, her mother had done facial acupuncture and looks 10 years younger after several treatments. Yes, I have done 6 treatments and I do feel that I look younger, my friends have noticed that my skin looks brighter and less wrinkle, I am so happy about this. Thanks ~A. T.

In one session with Dr. Lee, my husband left with being able to move his neck again,...... I am amazed !!!
When we walked into the Dr. Lee, My husband could not move his neck at all, he had been suffering in 6 days. He also has had major back issues from a car accident 4 years ago. he has had several rounds of steroid injections that just weren't working, his last resort was surgery, we did not want surgery, so we came to see Dr. Lee. In one session with Dr. Lee, my husband left with being able to move his neck again,........
I am amazed !!! we will be patients of Dr. Lee for a long time to come. ~J. B.

This is the first and only time that she has been able to feel her hand, wrist fully and completely
my daughter has been suffering from this condition for the last 5 years plus, she had left hand wrist numbness and less sensation. she has been to every doctor you could possibly name and has had every test know to modern medicine. This is the first and only time that she has been able to feel her hand, wrist fully and completely. We find Mr. Lee by referral by my related, and acupuncture in three sessions has lead to a completely corrected problems, Praise for Daniel. Thanks ~ D. W.

I relief from pain of shingles decreased significantly after just two treatments
After two ER visits, numerous doctor visits and multiple medications to deal with pain from shingles, there continued to be no relief from the excruciating pain. For three weeks prior to acupuncture treatment, I lost a significant amount of weight and was unable to get a restful sleep. I was totally housebound other than going to hospital and doctor offices. My wife has used acupuncture in the past and suggested I try it. Yes! I relief from pain of shingles decreased significantly after just two treatments. I am now able to drive again and have slowly returned to working a few hours a day. I am beginning to get more restful sleep also. ~ W. L.