Success Stories
Read what our patients have to say!

I feel 110% better !!!!!
I been suffer with pain at my neck and lower back for more than 4 years. The first visit was a miracle, I could get out of bed without pain and my lower back felt great. I find Dr. Lee from internet when I did google search. Now, I feel 110% better !!!!! it has been a life saver and I don't take so much Tylenol. Thanks ~ S. H.

Daniel has helped me to find my joy again
I had lower back pain at SI joint area, it comes and go in 2 years. April 2015 ( this time ) I was not able to complete any of my regular daily tasks. I was in pain and hurt all the time. I find Mr. Lee form internet and after 4 treatments, I am so excited that I no longer hurt. Daniel has helped me to find my joy again. Thanks ~D. M.

my back hurts and I have a hard time bending over. I have been suffered this condition for about 10 years
I had an accident at work and my friend introduce me to do physical therapy, but later I give acupuncture a try. Before doing acupuncture, my back hurts and I have a hard time bending over. I have been suffered this condition for about 10 years till now and it is so hard to do my job right in work, It is also affect on my fun time with my family. My shoulder and neck get tired easily and the pain rush out every time when I pick up something heaviness. My foot has been weakness and after acupuncture I can walk without any pain.
Thanks to Daniel ! Acupuncture has help me to walk without any trouble, also it is benefit on my job, too. This affect on my life to help me could enjoy my life without worries about the pain and I'm so glad to have acupuncture to solve the problem whenever I'm in pain.
~ V.D.

It has hleped lessen my pain and make day to day tasks alot easier
I have lower back pain more than 7 years, I live in constant lower back pain, some times it eases up but never goes away 100%, the pain keep me away from doing what I wanted to do. I've had epidural steroid injection 7 times and Physical Therapy, it help not much. I can't have back surgery cause my body conditions. Now only can do is pain managment therapy. I find Dr. Lee from internet, acupuncture has helped the numbness that in leg and has gone away now. My lower back pain isn't constant 10/10 pain level. It has hleped lessen my pain and make day to day tasks alot easier, pain level is always from 2-4/10, now.
Thanks very much ~J. M.

my pain has decreased tremendonsley and feel eventually will go away.
I had pain in back, neck and knee for most on my life, I find Dr. Lee from intenet and he apply acupuncture and adjustment on body, my pain has decreased tremendonsley and feel eventually will go away. Thanks Dr. Lee ~A. P.

within 5 weeks of acupuncture I can now run, walk, workout, sleep with on pain
I had 4 fractures in my L4 L5 spinal bones, I have been suffering from back pain for the past 5-6 years and have done injections, Physical Therapy for the span and back pain. I find Mr. Lee on line, within 5 weeks of acupuncture I can now run, walk, workout, sleep with on pain. Acupuncture has made me a believe in there is always hope just have to look for it. this has made me feel as it I had nothing wrong. Thanks Mr. Lee ~J. R.

suffering for 17 years, kept me form doing all kinds of things
I have back aching, lower back pain and walking unbalance suffering for 17 years, kept me form doing all kinds of things, such as long walk, riding a bike, climbing, bending down those easily things and much more. I search help from Physical Therapy, Chiropractor, Neurologist, Pain Specialist but not much improved. My sister introduce Dr. Lee to me. After couple's treatment and extremely, I walk better, feel good, less pain and sleep are much better, too. Thanks ~Y. R.

my numbness to the left side of the body has dissapated and my back pains are some-what non-existent.
I had numbness to the left side of the body, severe back pains and insomnia suffering for 2 years, and affected me keeping a permanent job, social life due to severe anxiety, heart palpitation and depression. I taken the medication and search proffesional help such as neurology, spine doctor and general doctors could not help. I find Mr. Lee from website, it has helped and I no longer have heart palpitations, my numbness to the left side of the body has dissapated and my back pains are some-what non-existent. thanks Mr. Lee ~E. G.

I have lower back pain ( a lots ) over a year
I have lower back pain ( a lots ) over a year. This time it was unberable and couldn't walk straight for a while. I was referral by family member, has been a lot better since I started the acupuncture treatment.
thanks very much. ~L.S.

years of medicine couldn't do what 3 treatments of acupuncture has done.
When I first started acupuncture, I had horrible lower back pain, upset stomach, high stress levels and low energy, I've seen multiple doctors and frequent physical therapy. The lower back pains for about 6 months, stomach issues for 15 years and high stress levels more for 10 years, I was anxious all the time and avoided everyday activities. I find Mr. Lee from Website, after treatment that I fee 10 times better, I have a new outlook on life, and I am way more active, no more pain plus way less stress, anxiety, years of medicine couldn't do what 3 treatments of acupuncture has done. Thank you. ~T. K.

no more pain in my back after third sessions
I had pain in my back and couldn't bend down during the work, it was bother me for about 2 years. I find this location from internet. within the treatment I feel much better and no more pain in my back after third sessions. Thanks Daniel ~J. M.

acupuncture has helped me, first of all is pain less and my ability to work has improved
I've had this Sciatic Nerve pain with taken natural anti-inflammatory pills for 6 months and have affected me in all aspects greatly in my attitude and my work habits. A friend recommended me... Yes, few treatments later, acupuncture has helped me, first of all is pain less and my ability to work has improved, my attitude has improved, too. I also can rest better at night than before. ~J. B.

I could barely walk, stand, sit or ley down with execrating pains
I could barely walk, stand, sit or ley down with execrating pains in my lower back and spine. My pain had progressively become worse for about 2 months prior until my body and pain could not be ignored any longer.
I had never had acupuncture and was quite skeptical; however, my pain was so great I was willing to try anything. So glad I did because I could immediately (even after the 1st treatment) begin to walk without the pain that existed before. It was a great relief.

on the 3th treatment, my pain dropped from scale 10 to 1
I was having severe sciatica pain for few months, I've tried Physcial Therapy & Chiropractor care, but it got worse...for over 2 months, I took off a lot of days from work, It's very tough to dealing with pain, the pain is keeping me awake at night and it is excruciating pain when I turn over. I was referred by good friend, after the first treatment, the pain got 50% better, on the 3th treatment, my pain dropped from scale 10 to 1, and I can back to my normal routine life! I am so grateful to Daniel. ~ A. M.

After 3 treatments of acupuncture, the pain was completely gone!
My back problems has over two months, and caused severe pain in the lower hips and upper legs, following back surgery the pain continued for over 2 months, only diminishing slightly. After 3 treatments of acupuncture, the pain was completely gone! I had enabled to move fully work on the rehab from surgery and to resume my normal activities. ~ T.R.

After my second visit with Daniel, I was pain free for six days!
My major complaint was low back pain; it’s been off and on for 15 years! It caused me difficulty sleeping and completing any and every daily task. I have used pain pills, ice packs, exercise, physical therapy and surgery to try to live with it.
At my first visit, my major pain was gone and when it came back it was much less intense! After my second visit with Daniel, I was pain free for six days! Thank you Daniel! ~ F.M.

Sciatic pain radiating down left leg. I received physical therapy and a steroid injection. I had utilized a TENS unit.
I have been suffering sporadic episodes over a 20 year period interfered with my daily activities.
If you like to know has my problem been helped by Daniel, and how has this affected my life? The answer is “DEFINITELY” After my first treatment, I was shocked that not only was my sciatic pain greatly reduced, but also that my chronic neck pain was gone and I could freely move my head (I had not informed Daniel of my neck problems.) This episode made me a believer in Acupuncture Daniel has treated successfully my various problems over the past two years. I have recommended Daniel to many friends and patients. DANIEL’S THE BOMB!! ~ L.K. /RN,MSN,RCNM

most of my general discomfort has been decreased significantly.
Before acupuncture I treated my back pain with conventional Physical Therapy with tens stimulation and traction. I've had this back pain for over 6 months. I had loss of mobility, it was hard to bend over, and I was unable to sleep through the night. I heard of acupuncture through my physical therapy center and I was surprised to find that it worked! I can now sleep through the night, bend over easily, and most of my general discomfort has been decreased significantly. ~ N.H.