Success Stories
Read what our patients have to say!

After 1st session and 2 days later, I am able to fall asleep about 9:30-10:00 pm
I had been suffering chronic constipation in my whole life, sometime without any bowel movement in a week. And insomnia which sleep from 1:00 or 2:00 am to 5:00 am with wake up 2 times for bathroom breaks in past 3 years. Fox 26 News had a feature about benefits of acupuncture and I find Dr. Lee from internet. After 1st session and 2 days later, I am able to fall asleep about 9:30-10:00 pm and wake up at 4:45 am, also the constipation has improved to regular once in a day. Thanks ~ Y. R.

I relief from pain of shingles decreased significantly after just two treatments
After two ER visits, numerous doctor visits and multiple medications to deal with pain from shingles, there continued to be no relief from the excruciating pain. For three weeks prior to acupuncture treatment, I lost a significant amount of weight and was unable to get a restful sleep. I was totally housebound other than going to hospital and doctor offices. My wife has used acupuncture in the past and suggested I try it. Yes! I relief from pain of shingles decreased significantly after just two treatments. I am now able to drive again and have slowly returned to working a few hours a day. I am beginning to get more restful sleep also. Thanks ~ W. L.

two times of acupuncture treatment decreased the stress, loosened my muscle and helped me sleep a lot
I had have high stress, insomnia and tense muscle with neck pain, it been many years. I find Mr. Lee from internet, two times of acupuncture treatment decreased the stress, loosened my muscle and helped me sleep a lot. Thanks very much. ~A. C.

I have had tremendous improvenment in my sleep and my rash is finally beginning to subside
I have had a full body rash with intense itching and scratching. It caused me to lose sleep and stay awake scratching until I would bleed. It been over a year and Dermatologist was stumped as steroid creams and pills did not offer much relief, very tired and weak from loss of sleep. I did the internet search and find Mr. Daniel. After acupuncture, I have had tremendous improvenment in my sleep and my rash is finally beginning to subside. I am much happier now that I am feeling better. Thanks Daniel. ~L. B.

Yes ! both at home and at school, we have seen a significant change on his energy level. he has settled down more to do his work and follow directions
My son have problem with hyperactivity and anxiety, autism. he was diagnose at age 3 and we have been looking for other therapy beside prescriptions to help. I find Mr. Lee from online search. my son taking herbal supplements to help keep his energy leveled and Yes ! both at home and at school, we have seen a significant change on his energy level. he has settled down more to do his work and follow directions. he sleeps better at night and better on rested less anxious, too. Thanks ~D. V.

You saved my presentation!
I work as a marketing manager and had a huge presentation to do at work a few weeks back, and to my luck, I came down with a sore throat that felt like it was building up to a flu. I had heard that acupuncture can speed up the time that it takes to recover from sicknesses, so I decided to give it a try. I really didn’t want to be on meds while presenting. It was awesome. He fixed my sore throat with one needle to my jaw area and it stopped hurting immediately. I could swallow without wincing, better yet, talk without sounding like a toad. The rest of the symptoms were gone by three days (of daily treatments). Daniel was understanding about my situation and tried to accommodate me as much as possible. You saved my presentation! ~ K.M.

Now, I wake up to clear eyes and an attitude to start the day right.
Allergies have always been a problem I lived with. Having teary eyes, runny nose, and constant sneezing was not the way I liked to start my day though. One of my friends introduced me to Daniel, at first I was hesitant because how could needles help with my allergies. But instead of getting acupuncture done, Daniel gave me an acupressure massage and helped loosen my Qi(?), whatever it was, it worked. The next morning my symptoms weren’t as bad, sneezing wasn’t constant, teary eyes lasted for like a minute. So I went in again, and Daniel educated me about how to take care of my body better. Told me that cold beverages make your body colder and allow for symptoms to take hold, gave me a few herbal remedies and told me to drink some hot tea in the morning since I was always used to cold oj. Now, I wake up to clear eyes and an attitude to start the day right. Thanks man! ~ R.M.

I know you will go far with your practice and help heal so many people.
Thank you so much for exposing me to something new and being so open about your culture. I have a completely different outlook about acupuncture! I enjoy your humor, empathy and kindness towards everyone you meet. I admire you! I know you will go far with your practice and help heal so many people. Good luck. ~ K.M.

My PMS symptoms are lessened, no migraines, and hardly any cramps.
I've had tension and migraine headaches for about 25 years (since age 20) Migraines would make me ‘shut down’. I would lay still in a darkened room, quiet, with an ice pack. Noise and light bothered me. Dr. Sison, my PCP referred me to Dr. Lee for acupuncture. Prior to the treatments I routinely took tension and migraine OTC pills 3 times a week. Since my two month treatment by Dr. Lee, my PMS symptoms are lessened, no migraines, and hardly any cramps. I feel more calm, not craving chocolate pre PMS. I may have a headache briefly once a month. Dr. Lee has a great personality, and I will continue treatments! ~ S.H.

I'm not always in the mood and got angry easily.
I have a lot of stress, causing me to have sores on my tongue and feel hot all over. It's been a while since I've had this issue and it affects the people around me because I'm not always in the mood and got angry easily. Fatigue, tiredness and lack of sleep plagued me regularly. I usually took tylenol to relieve my pain before acupuncture. I heard about Acupuncture through work and it's really helped me because everytime I get Acupuncture done, I feel relaxed. I have more energy and can sleep regularly. Thank you Daniel! ~ M.D.

My exhaustion began 10 years ago around the time, I was diagnaged with a thyroid condition.
Oaky! I know Daniel from Gigi Till's referred, Daniel had treated my son's allergies well.
My exhaustion began 10 years ago around the time, I was diagnaged with a thyroid condition. I had a car accident 18 years ago and suffered severe whiplash. Mobitlity of my neck has been limilted ever since. Before seeing Daniel, I was seeing a chiropractor to relive neck pain but results would only last a few days. I relied heavily on caffiene to stay awake though the day.
After a few treatment from Daniel's acupuncture , I no longer need caffiene to get through the day. Where my neck is still stiff and sore at the end of the day, it is not as painful and my range of motion is returning. Thank you Daniel ! ~ D.P.

my children have said that I’m not moody, that I am calmer and happier.
Since 2007. I was moody, couldn’t sleep at night and was withdrawing from my job.
I had been clinically diagnosed with depression and refused further medication because there was no improvement. I was also short of breath, had no energy, and have gained weight.
After been treated by Daniel, I am no longer short of breath, I have lots of energy, I sleep throughout the night, and my children have said that I’m not moody, that I am calmer and happier. ~ H.N.

I had trouble eating anything at home and when dining out
For a year and a half, I had trouble eating anything at home and when dining out. I had digestive tract issues, bloating, and pressure and discomfort in my abdominal areas. I decided to just try Aqure Acupuncture and walked in. Since then, acupuncture has helped me eat my regular healthey diet. ~ L.R.

Just 30 minutes of acupuncture will beat any prescribed medication out there!
I had a case of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (a case of constant dizziness and headaches stemming from quick movements of the head) and having went to the doctors with no prominent results, I decided to turn to acupuncture. I'm someone still so afraid of needles, but Dr. Daniel Y. Lee reassured me so well that this procedure wouldn't hurt at all, and wow, was he right! The procedure lasted, at most, 30 minutes, and I felt better that very night.
I did not even realize I had eight needles situated carefully (and with such precision) across my arms and legs! He truly cares for each of his patients and will put all his effort into making sure you leave better than you ever felt before. Dr. Lee doesn't deserve just five stars, but a whole galaxy of them! He is a man truly blessed by God's love and healing hands! ~ C.L

In just a few sessions and all the pain from my neck to back are gone! It was a life saver
I was referred to Daniel by my friend, I‘ve been suffering for 3 weeks now and it is affecting my concentrations at work due to my neck and shoulder pain, also my back. I’ve been taking Advil daily to relieve my pain. In just a few sessions and all the pain from my neck to back are gone! It was a life saver. I will definitely go back to see Daniel again. ~ J.S

Yes! after acupuncture for the 1st time my pain decreased and my shingles healed rapidly
I had shingles ( herpes Zaster) and high stress from job made it wores, I experienced pain and couldn't sleep in whole week. I find Dr. Lee from goole.com, Yes! after acupuncture for the 1st time my pain decreased and my shingles healed rapidly, I was told by a MD to expect for weeks to experience symptoms & virus, I only had shingles for 10 days ( 1.5 weeks). Thanks ~W. W.

now I can sleep better at night!
Before seeing acupuncture I had trouble sleeping at night over 6 months; also had torn rotator cuff and had been taking proscribe pain medication. I feel much better after few visits with Daniel. Thank you for helping me loss pain and now I can sleep better at night! ~D.K.

and now I finally have found relief through Dr. Lee’s treatment
I heard about Dr. Lee from a colleague at work, who told me about the great progress Dr. Lee had made treating his son’s allergies. So I really like to give it a try. After a slip and fall on the golf course, I insured my left hip when I took the impact directly on my hip joint. I have been enduring pain and stiffness off and on from my hip for over 13 years, this pain would be severe when I exercised a lot or was under stress; and now I finally have found relief through Dr. Lee’s treatment care, Thank you Dr. Lee! ~N.R.A.

I now feel better have more energy, my diabetes blood sugar level improved so far.
I have diabetes for many years and lack of energy the same poor sleep for years, I’m so glad after a few visiting with Daniel, I now feel better have more energy, my diabetes blood sugar level improved so far. ~K.H.